Hey- Do You Wanna Go Out With Me?

On December 27, 2010, Natalie Portman's PR team announced she was engaged to French dancer/choreographer Benjamin Millepied, whom she had met on the set of "Black Swan," which he choreographed and in which he had a small role.

Now, Natalie Portman was supposed to be my wife. She didn't know it, but she was. Needless to say, the news of her pregnancy and engagement was pretty crushing. But rather than let it break me, I decided to steel my will instead. "Never again," I said, "will I let a famous (or even semi-famous) person who I am supposed to marry slip through my fingers without at least giving myself a shot--without at least asking them out." Thus was dudeyoushoulddate.blogspot.com born. You can follow it on Twitter at @DudeUShouldDate. And if, for some strange reason, you want to email me, I can be reached at dudeyoushoulddate@gmail.com. Enjoy?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reasons #5-7 Why You Should Go On A Date With Me, Anna Kendrick

Reason #5: When I was four years-old I donated one dollar (a whole week's allowance!) to PBS during its fundraising drive.

Reason #6: I can recite the best part of the St. Crispian's Day speech.  I can also recite the entirety of "There once was a man from Nantucket . . ."  

Reason #7: My favorite speeches from any movie are, in no particular order, as follows: the aforementioned St. Crispian's Day speech in the Kenneth Branagh version of Henry V; Timothy Treadwell's "I've always wished I was gay" monologue in Grizzly Man; the Impressive Clergyman's "Mawage" speech in The Princess Bride; and Anne Marie's "What do I want?" speech in Blue Crush.  (I'm slightly embarrassed about that last one.)

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